Anal Beads? Three types of massage: Shiatsu, Proskauer's massage and polarity therapy Massages prior to erotic massage

There are three types of massage that, without being directly destined to increase sexual pleasure, can serve as an appetizer and as a very appropriate method to relax the body and, thus, prepare it to enjoy the wonder of a great erotic massage. These three types of massages we refer to are Shiatsu, Proskauer's massage and polarity therapy. If not fully performed, these massages can contribute some techniques or types of contact that can finally serve us: adapt the entire body to an intensely sensitive experience.

Anal Beads

How Do You Use Anal Beads: The Shia


Shiatsu is a form of Japanese massage that is applied almost entirely with the thumbs. This form of massage began to articulate at the beginning of the century and has to the Tokujiro Namikoshi (1905-2000) to its main architect. Namikoshi combined traditional techniques and the physiological and anatomical knowledge of Western medicine to create this form of massage that was recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Health in 1957.

Shiatsu as a form of massage is born from a very particular health conception. According to this conception, a person's state of health depends fundamentally on how his vital energy flows throughout his body. That flow always occurs through channels that are called meridians.

The Shiatsu massage includes stretching, mobilizations and joint manipulations, but its main foundation is to apply pressure with thumbs and the palms of the hand on different parts of the body. This pressure should be exerted for several seconds on certain points of the body. These points are precisely the meridians we have spoken above. Pressing on them we can redirect and, with it, improve the circulation of energy. go to site >>

So that the Shiatsu massage can be considered a complete massage must be performed to cover the entire body. The usual, however, is to use this massage for therapeutic purposes. When so, the pressure is applied only at some points. The vast majority of these points are located in body places that can be massaged by the same person. This makes Shiatsu a very appropriate type of massage for self -driving. To us, however, what interests us most of this particular massage (and all kinds of massage in general) are not their therapeutic possibilities, but those applications that, prior to the realization of an evidently erotic massage, can serve to Relax the body of the massage and to prepare it to capture and enjoy that other massage that will be nothing other than a pleasant and very stimulating excursion to the joy.


Who wants to apply a Shiatsu massage to your partner must know that to do so it will need to make a special effort, so, to avoid tiredness, it must be conveniently trained to acquire strength and, above all, resistance.


Once the proper physical preparation is acquired, who performs a Shiatsu massage can introduce into it a series of rhythm changes that, combined with other western types of massage, will serve to perform a very effective massage.


How Do You Insert Anal Beads: Proskauer massage


Another type of massage that can be very useful when preparing the body to receive a fantastic and stimulating massage can be the so -called Massage of Proskauer. Magda Proskauer, gymnast German therapist, devised a type of massage that is essentially based on breathing. Proskauer's massage must be applied by adapting to respiratory rhythms. While the Massage Spira, who performs the massage must pass the hand in a soft way through the muscle parts of the trunk involved in breathing.


The fundamental objective of this type of massage is to ensure that the massaged person acquires a greater awareness of their breathing. Acquiring it, you can improve your respiratory benefits, so necessary when you want to practice any type of tantric ritual or when you want to extract the maximum benefits and pleasure from an erotic massage.


How Anal Beads Work: Polarity therapy


Dr. Randolph Stone, a Swiss doctor, specialist in osteopathy, naturopathy and chiropraxia, traveled around the world to learn old healing techniques. This led him to acquire important knowledge of acupuncture, reflexology, shiatsu and oriental massage. From the fusion of all that knowledge and its own reflection and initiative, the so -called "polarity therapy" arose.


According to this theory, human beings are more than a sum of bones, nerves, muscles, organs and skin. In a way, the human body is a kind of electrical circuit. The body will be healthy when in said electrical circuit the energy flows in a correct way, without interruptions or blockages. Any short circuit that occurs directly affects the entire energy field that the body is.


Balancing the different energy currents that occur between the three existing poles in our body is the fundamental task that polarity therapy must fulfill. Like Rolf's massage, the type of massage that characterizes polarity therapy is applied with the knuckle, thumb or elbow. In polarity therapy, in fact, three types of contact are used and applied:


-The satvic, which is a light and relaxing contact that stimulates deep inhalation and, with it, relaxation.

-The Rajásic contact, which is a more directional and strong contact on the muscle. At certain times, this type of contact softens its intensity to become a kind of vibration applied with the fingertips.

-The tamasic contact, which implies a deep pressure that tries to eliminate tension and toxins accumulated in the muscle. At some point this contact can be somewhat painful. When that happens, the Satvic contact returns to return light and relaxing placidity.


This type of massage has a direct antiestrés effect that allows the body to display those own natural abilities that and those energy currents that should flow freely and that, for one reason or another, are blocked.


The massage of polarity therapy can also be a fantastic massage that allows the relaxation of the body and the awareness of the latter so that it can capture and enjoy in a convenient way all the nuances of pleasure of a sensual erotic massage.